Ready to be forgiven and start a new life?
If you desire to begin a new life with Christ as the head, we celebrate that decision with you. From where ever you are in life right now, you can begin again. You don't have to be perfect or meet any other criteria other than this:
Admit (to God & Yourself!) that you are a sinner We all have fallen short of God's commands in so many ways - our words, our thoughts, and our actions. That makes us sinners in need of God's salvation and mercy.
Believe the Good News The Good News is that God loved us so much that God gave us a rescue plan to save us from our sins. The rescue plan was to send His son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for sin(eternal death) in our place so that we could have salvation (eternal life). God sees YOU and thinks YOU were worth the ultimate price!
Confess that Jesus is Lord This is to declare that you acknowledge that you need the gift of Jesus in your life, and to by faith, you are inviting Him into your heart.
If you are ready to take these steps, say this prayer with me: "God, I admit that I have fallen short of your Word. I have done things that are not right in your sight. Please forgive me. I need to begin again with you as my Lord. Thank you for sending your son Jesus and for the gift of salvation. I accept the gift, and I thank you that I am now saved. Teach me daily how to live for you. In the name of Jesus, Amen."
If you have prayed this prayer and mean it in your heart, Congratulations! You are saved. We would love to celebrate with you and share some information to help you on your journey. Click the button below to let us know so that we can connect with you.