Appointed by the Pastor of the local church. Stewards are nominated and confirmed shall serve for a term of one year. To be qualified for this office, one must be of solid piety, know and love the Word of God, the African Methodist Episcopal Church and doctrine. He or she must be fruitful and of good natural or acquired ability to transact the spiritual and temporal business of the church. Stewards are responsible for making an exact account of all money or other provision collected for the support of the pastor of the mission, circuit or station.
Stewards are responsible for the following:
- Negotiating full-time minister salary and benefits
- They shall seek the needy and distress
- Attend Quarterly Conference
- Petition the congregation to be more liberal in their contributions
- Register all baptisms, marriages, and death within the congregation
- Survey of church membership for accuracy
For more details and a full outline of duties, refer to “The Doctrine and Discipline of The African Methodist Episcopal Church.”
Emmanuel's Steward Board
- Sis. Emma Devine, Pro Tem
- Sis. Stacy Everett
- Sis. Daphane Sigman
- Sis. Linda Harding
- Sis. Mary Scotton
- Sis. Loretta McCauley
- Sis. Ann Thompson
- Bro. Glenn Ford
- Sis. Shirley Smith
- Sis. Hazel Grayson
- Sis. Sandra Jackson
- Sis. Linda Jones-Springs
- Sis. Lisa Jackson
- Bro. Greg Grayson
- Sis. Mary Jacobs
- Sis. Johnnie Wiley, Emeritus
- Bro. Donald Washington, Emeritus
Trustee Board
- Bro. Emanuel Brunson, Sr., Pro Tem
- Sis. Tonya Lynn
- Bro. Robert Scotton
- Sis. Elsie Elam
- Bro. Phil Joy, Sr.
- Sis. Tonya Prince
- Bro. Daryl Suitt
- Sis. Lorraine Wiley
- Bro. Stan Wiley
- Bro. Coy Smith, Emeritus
- Bro. Robert Harris, Emeritus
The function of stewardesses include:
A. To provide the implements and elements of the Holy Communion and Holy Baptism.
B. To dress the pulpit and altar with suitable, clean, colored coverings for the various seasons of the Christian year, for funerals and memorials.
- Sis. Daisy B. Brunson
- Sis. Stacey Everette
- Sis. Hattie Farrington
- Sis. Elaine Flowers
- Sis. Costella Harris
- Sis. Judith Kelly Hart
- Sis. Johnnie L. Jackson
- Sis. Bernice Kelly
- Sis. Tonya D, Lynn
- Sis. Theresa McGill
- Sis. Edith Rucker
Coordinate and unify the work of our mission structure by establishing and supporting organizations and units to carry out God's mission in the church, the society, and the world.
Build and maintain an intergenerational community of caring women, fostering relationships and encounters between the Connectional, Episcopal, Conference and Local organizations and other women's organizations.
Develop responsible and visionary leadership through training and experience.
Provide education and training that inspire and motivate members to witness for the global mission community.
Create and utilize training and development to equip and inspire members to participate in advocacy for justice and peace, human rights, the oppressed and voiceless, women, children and the elderly.
Provide for the development and distribution of written, printed, and electronic resources and periodicals.
Work collaboratively with other women's organizations and other groups ecumenically and globally on peace and justice issues.
Create and maintain an archival database and repository of information for the organization.
Develop networks for communication within the organization and among women ecumenically and globally.
Develop and maintain a comprehensive financial support system for the organization and administration of financial resources necessary for the fulfillment of the responsibilities and mission of the organization.
Plan and evaluate programs and other activities of the organization.
The social media ministry is a that works to create intentional outreach designed to take the Gospel message out to the world through social media networks. The ministry objectives include: To interact with and build a community of faith on our digital channels and raising awareness of the church, programs, and activities.
2022-2023 Social Media Ministry
Wanda Alexander
Melonee McCrimmon
Lay Organization Officers
Iris Hux | President |
Caressa Harding | Vice President |
Nica Rawling | Secretary |
Benita Joy | Treasurer |
Tonya Prince | Chaplain |
Daphane Sigman | Director of Lay Activities |
2022 - 2023 Senior Ministry Officers
Ann Thompson | President |
Linda Jones-Spring | Treasurer |
Theresa McGill | Acting Secretary |
New Vision Officers
Nica Rawley | Past President |
Iris Hux | Past Vice President |
Kathy Yates | Past Secretary |
Linda Jones-Springs | Past Chaplin |
Garrick Brown | Musician |
Isaiah Prince | Drummer |
Shlonda Nottingham | Director |
Senior Choir Officers
Hazel Grayson | President |
Linda J-Springs | Vice President |
Denise Raynor | Secretary |
Emma Devine | Treasurer |
Health Ministry Members
Shirley Smith
Bernita Joy
Caressa Harding
Dianne Ford
Jacqueline McBride
Linda Jones-Springs
Saundra DeGeneste
Tonya Lynn
Peggy Best